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How are you travelling right now? Does the road ahead feel desolate and lonely? Is the view shadowed by a sense of loss?

Loss comes in different forms for various reasons, all of which are valid, and our human response is one of grief. Your loss may be a bereavement, divorce, or betrayal. Or perhaps it’s mid-life transitions or ‘empty-nesting’. Then there’s a job loss or career disappointment or a change in financial circumstances. Using the Grief Recovery Method, I am able to guide and equip you to effectively deal with the hurt related to any of these circumstances. This is not therapy. This method teaches specific actions needed to move beyond loss and its associated pain.

As a Flourish Mentor and Grief Recovery Specialist, I am passionate about liberating people to live fully, unencumbered by grief’s shackles. Grief is the normal and natural reaction to loss of any kind, yet we have a tendency to suppress it. Unchecked grief affects our health and well-being, as well as our relationships.

So, why wait any longer? Set yourself free to flourish again by allowing me to support you on your grieving journey, and re-establish your hope.


Let me help you to live untethered and free. Call me for an obligation-free chat to discover how I can best assist you in your life’s journey.


Grief recovery Program


The action program for moving beyond death, divorce and other losses 6-week program


This program runs either online or face-to-face, two hours a week.